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Danska till Engelska: Press Release - Fashion I
Källtext - Danska Pressemeddelelse
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Designkollektivet bag danske Nümph mærker for alvor vinden i ryggen: Den trendsættende superstore Top Shop har taget Nümph til hjertet - og til butikken i London. Sommerens kollektioner er inspireret af både vintage-fund, gamle silketapeter og stoftryk. Forelsket folk- festival eller skånsk sommer på syre.
”Indkøberne fra Top Shop kom forbi os på modemessen i Barcelona, og de syntes, vi var det eneste stærke, virkeligt nye brand, der skilte sig ud. Derfor hænger vores susekjoler, silketoppe og smalle jeans i butikken på Oxford Street side om side med tøj fra for eksempel Kate Moss’ kollektion. Top Shop er kendt for at være helt fremme på beatet og indkøberne forventer en næsten uhyggelig høj designgrad, og derfor er det et skulderklap til os alle sammen i Nümph, at Top Shop har udvalgt netop vores design. Så den aften fejrede vi Nümph med pink champagne”, fortæller en glad Nicole Rindsig, art director og en del af designkollektiv bag Nümph, der består af nu otte unge kvinder.
Denne sommer er Nümph en krydret blanding af lethed og styrke: Susende, svævende silke og tynde bomuldsskørter, tilsat lange kæder, bærfarver og vintage-læder, som taget ud af festivalerne på Woodstock eller Glastonberry. Forhekset, forelsket og forunderligt.
Og på den anden side selvbevidst enkelhed, sødmefyldt coolness og cruising skandinavisme som en skånsk sommer på syre; elverpiger, brune ben og duften af nyslået hø.
”Også i lande som England, Italien og Frankrig tiltrækker Nümph sig opmærksomhed, fordi vi lægger så meget af os selv i tøjet. Vi gør hver især netop det, vi er gode til, og vores design får vinger i en ånd af fællesskab og lyttende leg, hvor vi puster liv i vores drømme om stof, print og snit”, slutter Nicole Rindsig.
Översättning - Engelska Press Release
Lightness of Being
The design team behind Danish Nümph is feeling the wind beneath its wings these days: The trend-setting super store Top Shop has taken Nümph to heart – and to its London shop. This summer’s collections are inspired by vintage finds, old silk tapestries and retro fabric print. From Glastonbury with love or Indian summer on acid.
”The buyers from Top Shop came by our stand at the Barcelona fashion fair and thought that ours was the only strong, really new brand that stood out from the crowd. And now our light dresses, silk tops and slim jeans are hanging in their shop on Oxford Street right next to items from Kate Moss' collection, for instance. Top Shop is known for being on the cutting edge, and their buyers expect a terribly high degree of fashion. That is why it is a real pat on the back for all of us at Nümph that Top Shop picked our design out of the bunch. So that evening, we celebrated Nümph with pink champagne,” says a beaming Nicole Rindsig, art director and part of the design team behind Nümph, which now consists of eight young women.
This summer, Nümph is a spicy mix of lightness and strength: breezy, swaying silk and light cotton skirts, complemented with long chains, berry colours and vintage leather – straight out of Woodstock or Glastonbury festival. Enchanting, enamouring and enthralling. But all the while exuding self-assured simplicity, sweet coolness and hip Scandinavianism, like an Indian summer on acid: elf maids, sun-kissed legs and the earthy smell of freshly cut hay.
”In countries like Italy and France Nümph attracts quite a lot of attention, too, because we put so much of ourselves into the clothing. Each of us does what she does best, and our designs grow wings through a spirit of community, where we breathe life into our dreams of fabric, print and cuts,” Rindsig explains.
Danska till Engelska: Report
Källtext - Danska I dialog med verden
Aalborg Handelsskole er ikke bare en skole i Aalborg eller i Danmark - det er en skole i den store vidende verden. I november 2006 deltog to lærere i en international konference og et såkaldt partnership meeting i Charleston, USA. Målet var at skabe nye globale kontakter til Handelsskolen.
Selvom Handelsskolens hjemlige adresse ligger i Aalborg, er blikket i høj grad vendt udad mod verden. Internationalisering er et af det absolutte nøgleord for både ansatte og studerende. Det er netop ved at knytte kontakter globalt, at Aalborg Handelsskole sikrer sig en plads i front, når det gælder udvikling af fremtidens uddannelser. Kufferten var derfor pakket med adresser, entusiasme og store vorventninger, da to lærere hoppede på flyveren til USA.
På vej mod nye kontakter
Den 10. november landede Inger Kjelsen og Anne Hvid Paulsen fra Aalborg Handelsskole i Charleston. Målet var Global Partnership Meeting og International Education Conference. De fortæller:
Amerikansk parløb
Uddannelse for fremtiden
Översättning - Engelska Reaching out
to the world
Aalborg Business College is not just a school in Aalborg or in Denmark. It is a school in the big enlightened world. In November 2006, two teachers took part in an international conference and partnership meeting in Charleston, North Carolina (USA). The goal was to create new global contacts for the Business College.
While the Business College’s address may say Aalborg, its sights are to a large degree on the horizon. Internationalisation is absolutely a key word for both staff and students. It is through global contacts that Aalborg Business College can secure a leading position in terms of developing the educational programmes of the future. With that in mind, and with their bags packed with addresses, enthusiasm and great expectations, two of the school’s teachers boarded a plane headed for the United States.
The quest for new contacts
On 10 November, Inger Kjeldsen and Anne Hvid Paulsen from Aalborg Business College landed in Charleston. Their destination was the Global Partnership Meeting and International Education Conference. In their own words:
“Our mission was to establish contacts with American institutes of learning in the objective of creating partnerships across the Atlantic. This first visit was meant as an introduction to the education system and an exchange of ideas, with globalisation as the main thread. In the longer term, the hope is to organise student and teacher exchanges.”
The mission was a success. Already by the second day, the teachers had established good contacts – namely two high schools and a college.
American pas de deux
Over the course of the week where Anne and Inger spread their wings in the U.S., their time was spent on everything from attending workshops and formal dinners to presentations and visits to the new sister schools. There, they had ample opportunity to exchange experiences regarding teaching material and cultural differences. Visits to Trident Technical College and Ft. Dorchester High School were two of the trip’s highlights:
“We went around to the different faculties to “test the water” with regard to different contacts and partnerships. Everyone was very interested, so there is absolutely a basis for a partnership. Later the same day, we visited Ft. Dorchester High School. We sat in on a class and had the opportunity to talk with some of the students. The interest in Denmark was considerable. Some of them were very surprised to learn that Denmark was a sovereign nation with its own language”, Anne and Inger recall.
Education for the future
On Saturday, 17 November the two returned to Denmark - filled with impressions and with plenty of valuable contacts. The trip not only put little Aalborg on the map. The two teachers also came a step closer to establishing collaboration across borders. Anne and Inger are already looking forward to next year’s mission: a return visit from the U.S. in 2007.
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Native English speaker
ATA certification, Danish>English
30 years' professional experience
M.A. Translation
I have an M.A. in Translation from the University of Mons (Belgium) and have completed courses in Technical Writing and Graphic Design. I am a long-time member of the American Translators Association and grader in their certification program.
I am a native speaker of U.S. English and work from Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. I am very familiar with British usage, grammar and spelling, having lived and worked in Europe for several decades. Denmark has been my home since 1997.
I have an in-depth understanding of my source languages and take pride in rendering accurate and idiomatic translations into English.
sight translation/interpretation
WORKING AREAS & SPECIALTIES I have considerable experience in the fields of IT, accounting, legal and medical translation. Other fields of interest include politics, sports, and literature.
CAT TOOLS I own Trados Studio and have experience using Phrase/Memsource, Wordfast, XTM, Across and other tools.
MAJOR PROJECTS Examples include:
Danish>English translation and editing of business solutions software, online manuals and help (+1,000,000 words)
Danish>English proofreading of training manual for business solutions software (+160,000 words)
Danish>English translation & editing of Work/Inspection Instructions for wind turbine manufacturer (100,000 words)
French>English translation and editing of business solutions software (200,000 words)
Danish>English translation of book on history of Rebild Festival
RECENT PROJECTS Examples include:
Danish>English translation of an app
Danish>English translation of a press release
Danish>English translation of data sheets
Norwegian>English translation of decision by the Food and Drink Industry Professional Practices Committee
Swedish>English translation of annual reports and financial statements
Swedish>English translation of sporting goods website
Nyckelord: technical writing, children's books, Danish-English translation, Danish-English translator, editing, proofreading, proofreader, IT, software, localization. See more.technical writing, children's books, Danish-English translation, Danish-English translator, editing, proofreading, proofreader, IT, software, localization, localisation, US translator, US English, technical writer, oversættelse, oversætter, amerikansk, Danish to English translation, amerikansk oversætter, engelsk oversætter, dansk til engelsk, dansk til amerikansk, dansk-amerikansk, engelsktalende, norsk til engelsk, tekstforfatter, dansk>engelsk, översättning, svenska>engelska, från svenska till engelska. See less.